Hell and the punishment in the Koran

Hell is considered as the place for sinners and criminals, in the Hereafter the punishment in the Hell is noticed in the following Koranic verses:


1- Hell will [serve as] an appointment for all of them together. It has seven gates; each gate will have a portion assigned for them. (15:43-44)

2- of course not: it would flare up tugging  at his scalp , claiming anyone who tries to escape and turns away , through saving (things) up and hoarding [them]. (70:15-18)

3- What will make you realize what scorching is? It spares nothing nor leaves anything over as it shrivels human [flesh]. Over it there are Nineteen. (74:27-30)

4- It throws off sparks like a place [on fire], [bright] as a yellow camel herd. [77:32-33]

5- If they should ask for dome relief, then water like molten brass will be showered on them to scorch their faces. How awful such a drink will be and how evil is such a couch! (18:29)

6- We have prepared chains, shackles and a Blaze for disbelievers! (76:4)

7- So enter Hells gates to remain there. How awful will the lodging of the prideful be! (16:29)

8- Hypocrites will stand on the lowest level of the fire,  you will never find any supporter for them (4:145)

منابع :

  1. Subject exegesis of the Koran (Ayatollah Javadi Amoli)

  2. The Noble Quran (English transaltion by T.B. Irving)
